May's Round Robin Blog Hop topic is: What would you like to your readers to know about
your novels and their purpose? This is a tough question to answer because it’s usually me wanting to know what my readers think about my novels? But that wasn’t the question so…
I have always loved to read. Not so much the first-grade readers “Fun with Dick and Jane that I learned to read with. It’s a wonder I stuck to it. Really. “See Dick. See Dick Run.” I am so grateful for hundreds of talented children’s authors since who’ve given my children and grandchildren age appropriate books that excite and inspire them to want to read. Authors like Dr. Seuss, E. B. White or Judy Bloom, and books like the Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith or The Angry Dragon by Michael Gordon. Reading should be an adventure anyone can take without ever leaving home and it doesn’t matter if you’re five with a limited vocabulary or 85 and housebound, or anywhere in between.
So, the purpose of my books, I suppose is to transport my readers to another place for a short while. And to meet new people doing things they might not have ever experienced themselves. I have one historical Iain’s Plaid that can take a reader back to the anxious months leading up to the shot heard round the world and the beginning of our country. For a few heart-stopping minutes, they can experience the patriots harassing the British soldiers retreating to Boston after the opening shots in Concord and Lexington. In my fictional characters, they find examples of the men and women who peopled that era so different from ours and have a glimpse into life in a different age.
Sometimes a book will take you to a far-away place, or a very different culture. So far none of my books have done so, but I spent two years in the South Pacific in the Peace Corps and folk have suggested I need to write about that experience. And just maybe I will. For now, if you want a peek at that chapter in my life, visit my webpage featuring essays that were published in my hometown newspaper while I was away.
My contemporary romance series is set in a fictional coastal town in North Carolina. Lots of reasons to write that series. One was the desire to write a love story and in creating the Cameron family, there were four brothers and a sister, and of course their parents. Another thing that is important to me is respect and appreciation for the sacrifices our men and women in the military make every day so it turns out that two of the heroes and one heroine in that series are veterans or active duty military. I spent a lot of time talking to veterans to understand what their lives, relationships, service and struggles were and I hope that my characters have done them justice and just maybe give my readers a better appreciation. Our law enforcement and first responders deserve our respect as well so I’ve included two police officers and a fireman as main characters in that series.
Currently I’m working on a new series featuring a female deputy detective set in St Augustine. I’m hoping I will lead my readers on a merry chase to figure out who dun it, and while they’re there, they get to see bits of St Augustine, even if they’ve never been to the oldest European city in the US.
That’s what I’d like my readers to know about my novels. What I hope to achieve is to give them a satisfying read. Whether they choose to sit in a rocker on a porch, curled up by a fire, waiting for a train, sitting on a beach, or tucked up in bed, I hope they have a good time, fall in love with my
characters and wish there was more when they get to the last page. I love writing. Stories come to me from everywhere and I can’t imagine NOT writing. When I get to the end of my life (which I hope is very long) there’ll likely still be a story in progress.
Check out the rest of our Round Robin authors and see why they write what they do and what they’d like you to know about their books.
Diane Bator
Victoria Chatham
Beverley Bateman
A.J. Maguire
Fiona McGier
Dr. Bob Rich
Connie Vines
Rhobin Courtright