I have only one chapter left for the book I am writing and already, I am getting ready to be in mourning. IN one sense, I want to get to the end. I want to know how it ends as much as any future reader will, but on the other hand, I know I'm going to miss my everyday contact with the characters I created and love now as if they were family. Good thing I have a really busy week ahead! I've got a doctor's visit, supper out twice with friends, a birthday to celebrate - at least with an ice cream cone downtown if nothing more elaborate, a shuttle to watch get launched and a christening outfit to sew. And only 8 days to do it all. Oh! And I have a suitcase to pack, my car to pack and the house to get ready for my absence. I guess that should keep me busy enough so I won't mope too much!!

Happy Birthday to me...