Celebrating the release of a brand new series by a dear friend is always fun. But sharing the news that you can get a super deal on this book today is even better.
CARLY'S RULE - book one in the new series The Braddocks 
Pastry Chef Carly Braddock only ever loved one man, Luke Donovan, who disappeared from her life years ago, breaking her heart and leaving her to wonder what happened to him. When he walks into Sugar Plums, her bakery/cafe, and back into her life after all this time, she isn’t in a forgiving mood. Though he doesn’t know it, her experience with him shaped the other relationships in her life and led her to create a rule to protect her heart. What neither counts on is that the chemistry between them is still as fierce and tangible as it was all those years ago, and Carly doesn’t know until her heart is completely involved once again that Luke has kept an important part of his life from her. When she finds out what it is, she knows she must let him go, and this time for good. Not only did he keep something from her, but he broke the one thing she created to protect her heart . . . Carly’s Rule.

About Ms. King:
Vickie L. King is originally from a small town in West Virginia. She transplanted to Jacksonville, Florida in 1994, and while she loves living in the sunshine state, now and then she misses watching the seasons go through their changes, and if she closes her eyes, she can still imagine herself standing on the deck of their family home on top of the ridge, staring out over the hills and valleys that will always be a part of her.
She has four grown children, a daughter-in-law and son-in-law, four grandchildren, a Chihuahua named Bentley and the best family and friends anyone could have.
Vickie is previously published in short fiction, with both romance and mystery for Woman’s World Magazine and with a romantic short story for the Sun. She is a member of RWA, and she is active in her local chapter, Ancient City Romance Authors (ACRA), where she serves on the board.
Check out her inteview on Get Lost in a Story. too.